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Holiday Toy Drives

Southlake staff donate a mountain of toys to YRP Holiday Heroes
Southlake staff donate a mountain of toys to YRP Holiday Heroes
Newmarket News

In the celebration of Christmas, holiday gift drives are extremely beneficial and helpful for our community. These gift/toy drives are charity events in which volunteers gather to sort toys and give donations which are later distributed to those in need. When supporting these drives, it gives children and families the opportunity to celebrate the holidays like never before.

Toys for Tots

The logo for Toys For Tots.

Toys for Tots is one of the most popular charity programs when speaking of toy drives. It all began in 1947 when a soldier in the Marine Corps was inspired by his wife to deliver handmade toys to an agency which supported children in need. When unable to find an organization that provided toys for these children, his wife inspired him to start one. That very year, the marines were able to collect and distribute 5,000 toys. Fast forward to now, Toys for Tots continues to be successful in distributing and donating toys to children in need.
Earlier this year, announced on September 8th, the program delivered 24.4 million toys, books, and games to 9.9 million children, achieving a record-breaking year. The program continues to be successful, delivering toys to children ages 0-12, and confirming that 97% of donations go to providing gifts.

Salvation Army Angel Tree

The tree with tags attached. Each tag has the name of a kid, their wants, and their needs this Christmas season.

The Salvation Army Angel Tree is a program that started in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1979. Majors Charles and Shirley White both worked at a shopping mall and provided clothing and toys for children during the holidays. This program allowed for the community to be directly involved with sharing with those who need it more than they do.
Similar to Toys For Tots, it provides not only toys and donations but also clothing to children in need. The program donates to more than one million children each year and can easily be signed up for. Once the gifts are received, the Salvation Army distributes them on Christmas morning.

Becca’s LEGacy

A poster board explaining the toy drive and the children they benefit.

Becca’s LEGacy toy drive supports more than just children in need but also children who have been unfortunately diagnosed with cancer. Becca was only 5 years old when diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma; she ended up spending two years in the hospital but after undergoing chemo and surgeries, complications unfortunately took her life. The mission with Becca’s LEGacy is to be able to help more children who have cancer, like Becca. Before she passed, she wanted to have her own foundation where she could raise awareness and help find a cure.
The program has been going on since 2008 with annual toy drives and fundraising for CureSearch to help find a cure for childhood cancer. Becca’s LEGacy continues to spread awareness and provide toys, games, and more for children with cancer.


In conclusion, if you want to benefit or be involved in our community this holiday season, donations and volunteering your time are the perfect way to go. There are multiple ways to support and help children in need so that they, too, can celebrate the holidays. Toy drives continue to bring happiness to children around this time of year, and bring our community together as a whole.

Works Cited

  • Becca’s LEGacy,
  • The Salvation Army Angel Tree,
  • Toys for Tots,
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