The EPHS 1992 Homecoming Court
Homecoming: an annual event and the first dance that kicks off the new school year. Homecoming is well-known for being featured in movies and celebrated on social media. But what is the actual history of Homecoming?
Since the 20th century, Homecoming, an event designed to welcome back past alumni, has been one of the most attended school events. It began at college football games, where a game would take place before the dance. These games were used to gather people to support the school and prepare for the dance, and they still serve that purpose today. Homecoming takes place in the fall, typically between September and October. The first-ever Homecoming dance was held in 1910 at the University of Missouri. Homecoming is also commonly abbreviated as “Hoco.”
Homecoming Today: Proposals and Shopping
Proposals for Homecoming didn’t officially become popular until the early 2000’s, with the rise of social media. Homecoming proposals often consist of a poster with cute sayings. A Hoco proposal sign may say something like, “Will you light up my world at Hoco?” or “My heart would Crumbl if you say no to Hoco.” These are just a few examples of what a sign may include. Homecoming signs are one of the main aspects of the dance that are seen online.

Proposals are not the only thing that happens before the actual dance; shopping is also a key part of the process! Girls typically go dress shopping, while guys usually look for formal attire like suits, shirts, and ties. Popular shops for Homecoming include Windsor, Lulus, and various boutique stores, just to name a few. Homecoming season can be a very stressful time for those searching for items at the last minute, so make sure to prepare in advance for the best outcome at your dance!
EPHS Homecoming Traditions: Past & Present
The fall is filled with so much excitement, not just Homecoming but also for the events leading up to the dance. Our school, EPHS, follows the original tradition of a Homecoming football game, which this year will take place on October 4. The dance will follow the next day on October 5. Before the game and dance, hallway decorating takes place. This will take place from October 1-4, with different hallways decorated to match the theme of this year’s Homecoming. This year, the decorating theme will be decades!
Another event that takes place right before the dance is Spirit Week, a week featuring specific themes for students to dress up before the Homecoming football game. To conclude Spirit Week, EPHS has an annual pep assembly, which not only spreads school spirit but also reveals the Homecoming court. Elmwood Park High School has followed this tradition since the ‘50s, from 1954 to the present. Another event that used to occur at EPHS was a Homecoming parade, where each class would design floats; however, this tradition has been discontinued since the late ‘90s.

After the parade made its way from the circle all the way back to Elmwood Park High School, the pep assembly would occur, and the Homecoming court would be revealed. Ghost. To be elected to the court, students must be voted on by their peers to represent their grade. The titles of the Homecoming court typically consist of King and Queen, usually for upperclassmen, and Prince and Princess, which are given to underclassmen. To this day, students at EPHS still vote and reveal the winners at the pep assembly.
Concluding Thoughts
Homecoming is a time for students, alumni, and faculty to come together and show pride not only in our school but also in our community. Don’t miss the chance to make memories at Homecoming and be part of the history of the event. Take a moment to participate in some of these activities in the week to come!
Works Cited:
25 Cutest Homecoming Proposal Ideas. (2023, August 15). Jim’s Formal Wear Blog. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://blog.jimsformalwear.com/2023/08/homecoming-proposal-ideas/
Darby, J. (2021, September 9). The History of Homecoming: Now & Then. Hall of Fame Plaques & Signs. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://www.halloffameplaques.com/blog/the-history-of-homecoming/
Jain, D. (2023, May 23). What Is Homecoming in High Schools? Omella. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://omella.com/blog/what-is-homecoming-in-high-schools
Maize, M. (2023, October 14). The Ridiculousness of Homecoming and Prom Proposals | by Michele Maize | Age of Empathy. Medium. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://medium.com/age-of-empathy/the-ridiculousness-of-homecoming-and-prom-proposals-c483ce73ee70