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Why The Movie Heathers Is Still Relevant Today

A Discussion of an Inspiring 80s Classic and Its Continued Relevance
One of the many Heathers movie posters
One of the many Heathers movie posters

Content Warning

Before proceeding, please be aware that this article contains discussions of sensitive topics, including violence, murder, toxic relationships, and suicide. While it provides a summary of the movie and addresses these themes, it does not go into graphic detail. If you find any of these subjects distressing, this article may not be suitable for you. Its purpose is to explore these themes and discuss an iconic movie cherished by many.

The Movie: Heathers

Released on March 31, 1989, Heathers is a dark comedy/thriller that later inspired a musical adaptation on September 13, 2010, and a much-criticized TV series remake on October 25, 2018. Despite being decades old, the film continues to resonate with teenagers due to its exploration of timeless and relevant issues. Though the movie parodies high school life with exaggerated elements, it presents themes and problems that are still worth discussing today.

The movie Heathers is about a teenage girl, Veronica Sawyer, who is friends with the three most popular girls in school: Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara. The story is set at Westerberg High.

Veronica and the Heathers in the cafeteria.

Veronica isn’t very fond of her three friends, especially Heather Chandler. Heather is extremely mean and feared by most of the students, including her friends. While Veronica tries her best to support and be kind to others, Heather is often against this behavior. Early in the movie, while in the cafeteria, Veronica meets a boy named Jason Dean, who is new to Westerberg High, and she eventually falls in love with him.

Veronica meets Jason Dean for the first time.

The two of them accidentally kill Heather Chandler by giving her drain cleaner instead of the orange and milk combination meant as a prank. After realizing Heather is dead, they stage her murder to look like a suicide and create a fake suicide note in her handwriting. When the school learns about Heather’s “suicide,” everyone is outraged. Although Heather was terrible, most of the students try to take her death seriously and mourn her. Veronica is confused by this because everyone hated and feared Heather Chandler while she was alive.

During Heather’s funeral, Heather McNamara asks Veronica if she can go on a double date—Heather with Ram and Veronica with Kurt. Although Veronica is hesitant, she agrees to do it for Heather. The date doesn’t go well, so Veronica runs off with Jason. Kurt and Ram are unhappy about this and spread a rumor about Veronica. When she finds out, she becomes very upset, and she and Jason decide to pull a prank to embarrass both of them.

Kurt and Ram in the cafteteria.

Veronica and Jason end up shooting and killing both Kurt and Ram with what Jason claimed were blanks (they were not). They frame the deaths of the boys as suicides, leaving Veronica devastated. She breaks up with Jason, who then devises a plan to eliminate their entire high school. He collaborates with Heather Duke, who is now the most popular girl in school, to gather signatures for a petition. Meanwhile, Heather Duke makes fun of Heather McNamara in class after Duke discovers McNamara’s secrets on a radio show they both enjoy.

Heather McNamara is extremely upset by this and tries to take her own life by swallowing a large amount of medicine. Veronica finds her and stops her from hurting herself, leading to a heartfelt moment between the two. Meanwhile, Jason talks to Veronica, still wanting her back, but she refuses to take him back.

Jason reveals his plan to Veronica, so she tries to put a stop to it. The following day at school, as Jason prepares to execute his plan, Veronica searches for him. When she finally finds him, they get into a fight, and Jason ultimately gives up on his plan. The movie concludes with a bittersweet ending, setting it apart from other teen films of the ’80s. 

Why is this movie relevant today?

Heathers has paved the way for other movies and television shows such as Mean Girls, Jawbreakers, and Scream Queens. Without Heathers, we likely wouldn’t have these and many other iconic pieces of media. Winona Ryder, who played Veronica, has actually mentioned in multiple interviews that Heathers is her favorite movie among those she has done.

Mean girls promotional photo

Heathers also deals with topics that remain relevant today, such as teen mental health, suicidal ideation, and toxic relationships For those who have seen the movie, it’s clear how toxic Jason and Veronica’s relationship is. In fact, throughout the movie, there are many examples of toxic relationships, such as the Heathers’ toxic friendship and Heather McNamara’s relationship with Ram Sweeney. Some teenagers may relate to these portrayals and, after viewing the film, realize the dangers of being involved in toxic relationships.

Teen mental health is also addressed in this movie through the character of Jason Dean. He is shown to be a manipulative person who needs serious professional help but never receives it. Instead, he takes out his trauma on Veronica and others, leading to negative consequences. This may help teenagers realize the importance of getting help when struggling with poor mental health.

Teenage suicide is another relevant topic explored in this movie. According to the CDC, suicide is one of the leading causes of death among high school-aged youth in America, particularly among LGBTQ+ individuals. Furthermore, the American Psychological Association states that more than 20% of teens have considered suicide. Due to its prevalence, many schools, including Elmwood Park High School, still hold assemblies addressing this issue. The discussion of suicide in Heathers remains relevant and timely, as this problem is a serious one that still exists today.

Heathers deals with these topics and many more in a way that’s graceful but still manages to be comedic. Heathers is an iconic and beloved movie that has inspired and comforted many.  Costume. The movie is very entertaining but also gives you some food for thought. If you have not watched it, give it a try. You will not regret it!

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