With February being the month of love, you can watch some of our students go on blind dates! To make this even more exciting…tune in and listen to your very own teachers speak in brainrot and reveal their favorite part of the Super Bowl!
EPTV is brought to you by
Anchors: Michelle Sapeta, Justus Escarpita
Editors: Lauren Scheidt, Livia Sina
Graphic Designers: Milana Brilyak, Nel Winiarczyk.
EPTV Team: Milana Brilyak, Lizbeth Casas, Justus Escarpita, Terea Hargrove, Julia Kravchuk, Mia Lockwood, Alexandria Mendoza, Alicia Mustabelli, Megan Nettelhorst, Jailani Rodriguez, Maya Sawicki, Lauren Scheidt, Livia Sina, Izel Torres, Giada Williams, Nel Winiarczyk.
And a special shoutout to Advanced Journalism teacher Ms. Heinen for her instruction and support.
Go Tigers!