Is Santa real? This question has been debated by all ages over the years. In this article, we will determine whether this mythical grandpa is the real deal or a children’s tale. According to our historical records, Santa is real.

The story of Saint Nicholas goes all the way back to the 3rd century. He was a monk who was born in 280 A.D. in modern-day Turkey. He used to be the patron of children and helped those in need. A well known story is how Saint Nicholas saved 3 girls from slavery by secretly providing them marriage dowries. The day of his death (December 6th) is now known as St. Nicholas Day, in which people leave their shoes out to find chocolate coins or oranges tucked in them or wake up to find presents under their pillows. He now resonates with the 25th of December for Christmas.

How Santa Became a Tradition:
The Dutch created the tradition of Santa Claus, a 73 year old man who gave gifts and sweets to children every year. Dutch colonists brought the tradition of Sinterklaas and presents with them when they settled in New York City. Slowly, people began adopting the new customs with songs and poems, such as The Night Before Christmas.
As the holiday became Americanized, the holy aspect of St. Nicholas was replaced with a chunky, old man with a long, white beard and red hat. Now, present day Santa climbs through chimneys and leaves presents for children who make it on the nice list.
Why Santa is Real:

Every year, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) tracks Santa’s movements on the 25th through a government operated organization. Science backs up Santa’s existence. Albert Einstein once said, “Time does strange things as you move faster.” It has been scientifically proven that if you move faster than the speed of light, time can run backwards in a straight line projection that folds. This shows that Santa is faster than the speed of light, which is faster than the human eye can decipher, meaning that this is just a skill issue on our part.

The minimal amount of documentation proving his existence is understandable as the time period Santa Claus openly roamed the Earth wasn’t very developed in terms of literature. Santa has about 42 million children to visit in just one night, meaning he could only spend one millisecond per house, so you’ll never see him falling down your chimney. One blink is 200 milliseconds, so in just one blink, Santa would have visited you and 199 other houses.
Whether you want to believe it or not, all evidence points towards the fact that Santa is in fact real. If you choose to not be a believer, you will be on the naughty list. As Santa’s helpers, it is our duty to report back to him about those who choose to believe in him and those who don’t. The choice is yours…
Works Cited
- Cassidy, A. (2022, December 21). Show non-believers these plausible reasons why santa is real. HerFamily.
- A&E Television Networks. (n.d.). Santa Claus: Real origins & legend.
- Official NORAD Santa Tracker. Official NORAD Tracks Santa. (n.d.).