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Rating Starbucks’ 2024 Fall Drink Menu

The Real Review
Pictured above are a few of the featured drinks on the 2024 Starbucks Fall Menu. This year's menu contains six drinks in total.
Pictured above are a few of the featured drinks on the 2024 Starbucks Fall Menu. This year’s menu contains six drinks in total.
Courtesy of Starbucks


As the temperature drops and the leaves sprawl, everyone’s favorite time of year approaches: FALL! But the only thing on our minds is the Starbucks Fall Drink Menu, an overpriced yet BLISSFUL list of drinks. Hello, we’re Iris Kupiec and Emilia Blazejewska and we’re juniors at Elmwood Park High School, bringing to you our ratings and FOAM cold opinions. We’ll be covering the price, amount of calories, description (both opinion and fact based), and ratings of each drink on the Fall menu. These drinks aren’t the only thing piping hot because we are here to spill the TEA!

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Above is a comparison of the famous PSL on the website versus in person. Obviously they’re in different cups but other than that they hold the same idea, besides the left’s poor is AI generation.

Our first drink that we tried was the Pumpkin Spice Latte, a fall CLASSIC, like fallen leaves SHOVED down your throat. As expected, it was EXTREMELY overpriced, a short being a WHOPPING $5.65, a tall setting at only 10 cents more, being $5.75. The grande raises in price by a whole 50 cents, starting at $6.25, and a venti being $6.75. Each of these drinks are a caloric disruption being about 80-90 calories more per size, a short being 210 calories, a tall being 300 calories, a grande being 390 calories, and lastly a venti being 470 calories, the same amount that a decent lunch would contain. The drink is, of course, caffeinated since it is made of coffee, a short and tall both being 75 mg and a grande and venti both being 150 mg. Inside, this festive POISON in a paper codrone contains milk Foam, 2% milk, shot(s) of espresso, pump(s) of Pumpkin sauce, Pumpkin Spice topping, and whipped cream. When looking at it, the white whipped cream with a brown powder overpowers the top but later a vibrant shade of orange coffee is slowly revealed.

I, Iris, rated it a 6/10. It is a fall classic, but for the price, it is severely underwhelming. While it is a classic, there isn’t enough flavor, tasting sort of bland and basic, just like a regular coffee with cinnamon that you could make at home. However, I would repurchase, since it isn’t really about the flavor, it’s more about what it represents: fall, pumpkin patches, Halloween, etc.

I, Emilia, rated it a 6/10. Like Iris said, though this drink is a classic, the flavor is bland and underwhelming. For what the drink is, the price is a bit much and isn’t that worth it, unless you’re into the classics. I could potentially see myself reordering, but only if I’m wanting to warm up and have a hot drink rather than an iced one.

Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

Visually, this drink is almost fully accurate when looking at the website’s version and doesn’t have any noticeable distinctions.

Following the classic PSL, we tried the Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, a simple, yet decent tasting drink. First of all, let’s discuss the prices: a tall being $4.95, a grande being $5.25, a venti being $5.45, and a TRENTA, for those who have a death wish, being $5.75. Next is the amount of calories, each size having a significant increase; a tall containing 140, a grande containing 250, a venti containing 310, and lastly a trenta, containing 360 calories. Now since this is a cold brew, of course it’s caffeinated; a tall having 145 mg, a grande having 185 mg, a venti jumping up to 275 mg, and a trenta settling at 315 mg, equivalent to the amount of caffeine in nearly 4 REDBULLS. This IMMENSELY caffeinated drink contains pump(s) of vanilla syrup, Pumpkin Cream cold foam, Pumpkin Spice topping (because there can NEVER be enough pumpkin), and lastly ice. Visually, this drink was dark brown with a light orange tinted cold foam and some pumpkin spice on the very top.

I, Emilia, rated it a 5/10. The drink itself was okay, but not enough to fulfill my dream of the perfect fall day. This drink was pretty strong, which just isn’t for me personally. Despite the strong taste, the cold foam at the top is a sweet touch, though it doesn’t mask the initial strong coffee flavor or alter it in any way, which in my opinion would make the drink a bit more pleasant.

I, Iris, rate it a 6/10. The cold foam is BLAND and the drink has a PUNGENT taste of dark coffee that LINGERS in your mouth. The flavor of coffee dulls when you mix it. For coffee lovers that want to include fall festivities within their beverage, I would recommend, as personally I enjoyed it but wouldn’t order again.

Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai

Both are relatively the same, though the colors are more contrasted on the website’s image. Other than that, it’s a decent representation of what it actually is.

Our third drink that we sipped was the Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai, a recent fan favorite driving Starbucks lovers CRAZY! Starting off with a tall, despite the name, it is the smallest size; it is $5.45 pairing with an EXCRUCIATING 340 calories. Next a grande, while it may mean large in Spanish it is only a medium here, costing $5.95 and 460 calories. Finally the largest size, the venti, being $6.45 and 570 calories. Even though it is a chai tea, believe it or not, it is still caffeinated. A tall being 70 mg, a grande 95 mg, and a venti being 145 mg. Inside, it contains a list of ingredients, like “sugar, spice, and EVERYTHING NICE”, starting with 2% milk, pump(s) of Chai, Pumpkin Cream cold foam, Pumpkin Spice topping, and ice. Visually, it’s a beige colored liquid that is very slightly orange. There is an almost off white shade of cold foam topped with a brown pumpkin spice powder.

I, Iris, rated it an 8/10. It was very sweet with a smooth texture that almost felt condescending. It’s a PERFECT alternative for those who don’t enjoy coffee but want to have a taste of fall. It’s very milky and I very much enjoyed the sweet, artificially pumpkin flavored cold foam. Overall, it was very tasty and I would definitely reorder; by the time this is published I probably already did.

I, Emilia, rated it an 8/10. This drink was quite sweet but not in an overwhelming way where your stomach aches after just a few sips. It was very creamy and, overall, had a pleasant texture. The cold foam on top added a nice touch and paired nicely with the iced chai tea below it. I could definitely see myself ordering this drink in the future.

Apple Crisp Non Dairy Cream Chai

In person, the drink looks a bit discolored when compared to the website. Besides that, the two are mostly identical and don’t have many differences.

Our fourth drink was the Iced Apple Crisp Non Dairy Cream Chai, which was a PAIN to say out loud when ordering. Despite the excessively long name, this drink was quite a pleasant surprise. Starting with the prices, a tall being $5.45, a grande being $5.95, and a venti being $6.45. Now onto the caloric value of each size: a tall containing 280, a grande containing 370, and a venti containing an INSANE 510 calories. This drink, just like the others, is caffeinated. A tall having 70 mg, a grande having 95 mg, and a venti having 145 mg. Inside, this drink contains a few additives, making it the delightful drink it is. These include oatmilk, pump(s) of chai, non dairy apple crisp cold foam, and ice. Visually, this drink was a light brown color, along with a light, almost beige, colored cold foam on top.

I, Emilia, rated it a 9/10. Like the Pumpkin Chai, this is a sweeter drink but the taste isn’t overwhelming, though a bit sweeter than the Pumpkin Chai, which may get boring after a while. It has some cinnamon oatmeal undertones which creates a nice balance of flavor with the apple. This drink was a great experience and I would INDUBITABLY reorder it.

I, Iris, rated it a 7/10. It tastes kind of like the Quaker’s Instant Oats in the apple cinnamon flavor, though way stronger. It’s not TOO sweet, just the right amount, though I do believe it would get NAUSEATING after a couple of sips since the taste is overpowering. It’s very tasty and I’d order it again though ONLY if I had a craving for it; it’s not an everyday drink. I enjoyed it because it’s different from the ones I’ve tried beforehand, though the flavor was still on theme with the season.

Apple Crisp Oat Milk Shaken Espresso

In the website’s image there’s a greater amount of espresso. In reality it’s a lactated nightmare that couldn’t even cover enough of the espresso’s vulgar flavor.

Our fifth drink, Iced Apple Crisp Oat Milk Shaken Espresso, was up next, though we didn’t know what was going to HIT us. Firstly, the facts, a tall cost $5.45 and was made up of 130 calories. A grande costing $6.25 and 180 calories. Then, finally, a venti cost us $6.75 and 260 calories. Since it is an espresso, there is a TREACHEROUS amount of caffeine: a tall having 170 mg, more than a regular venti coffee, a grande containing 255 mg, and a venti having 340 mg. It has a very light brown top with a dark brown, almost black, descending bottom; it didn’t contain any powder toppings, unlike most of the drinks mentioned previously.

I, Iris, would rate it a 2/10. Initially it is the WORST thing I’ve ever tried. I should genuinely be compensated for EMOTIONAL damages. The top is absolutely flavorless, while the bottom tastes like a shot of apple cinnamon as well as a slight flavor of espresso. When it’s in your mouth it’s an unfortunate flavor but the REAL assassin is the after taste, almost like a PUNCH in the throat. When mixed it isn’t as DANGEROUS, very creamy with a decent amount of flavor of apple and cinnamon balanced out with a taste of espresso. Still would not recommend but to each their own.

I, Emilia, rated it a 4/10, which is generous. Initially this drink is VERY strong, almost as if you’re drinking straight espresso. Despite its rough start, it had a bit of a redemption after mixing the drink which altered the flavor, turning it into a smooth, creamy, and balanced beverage. I would not reorder due to its harsh nature, but if you’re into stronger drinks and want to hop onto the Starbucks fall menu bandwagon, consider ordering this drink.

Apple Crisp Oat Milk Macchiato

The photo on the website looks almost nothing like the drink in person, even without considering the different cups. In reality, this drink looks boring and not as satisfying as the website’s version.

You know what they say, best for last! Well, that wasn’t the case with the Apple Crisp Oat Milk Macchiato. Starting with the UNREASONABLY high prices: a short being $5.65, a tall being $5.75, a grande being $6.25, and a venti being $6.75. Next, the amount of calories: a short containing 150, a tall containing 230, a grande containing 310, and a venti containing 430. Like the other drinks, this drink is caffeinated: a short and tall both having 85 mg, and a grande and venti both having 170 mg. Inside, this drink contains a few extra ingredients, which in all honesty, don’t do much when it comes to the flavor of this BLAND drink. These include oatmilk, blonde espresso roast, shot(s) of espresso, pump(s) of apple brown sugar syrup, and spiced apple drizzle. Visually, this drink was bubbly, almost foamy-like, at the very top with patches of white and light brown.

I, Emilia, rated it a 6/10 because although this drink wasn’t tragic, the flavor was just too underwhelming for my personal taste. I’m also not the biggest fan of drinks that are served hot, which influenced my rating. Despite this drink’s DULL flavor, it was nice to sip on and had a cozy autumn vibe.

I, Iris, rated it a 6/10. It tastes similar to the Apple Chai, though wayyyyyy blander, seeming DREARY in comparison. It’s decently yummy, and has the same apple cinnamon oatmealy flavor that’s been repeated in all the apple flavors. I believe it is WAY too overpriced for what was given, though a repurchase would be STRONGLY considered.


While this little experiment has been a BLAST, we know you don’t remember everything we said. With that, we’ll give you a run down of our FAVORITE drinks, so you don’t waste your money like we did! The stomach aches we had to endure for several days to come were worth it, since we were able to give you the piping hot TEA!

I, Iris, based on the ratings, believed the Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai was the best. I rated it the highest, an 8, while most other beverages struggled to get above a 6. I enjoyed that it was iced since I often can’t stand the feeling of hot drinks. It was sweet and had a creamy texture plus the tasty cold foam that didn’t overpower the drink. Overall, I believe it’s one of the best on the menu, and I would DEFINITELY reorder.

After carefully analyzing each and every drink off the fall menu, I, Emilia, believe the Apple Crisp Non Dairy Cream Chai was the best out of these drinks. I rated this drink the highest, giving it a 9/10. This drink 100% satisfied my urges for the PERFECT fall drink, not only because of its AMAZING texture and flavor, but also because it’s the ideal drink for when I’m craving a taste of fall; I WITHOUT A DOUBT would order again. If you made it this far, THANK YOU for reading our article and STAY TUNED for the next one!

Works Cited

  • Featured menu. (n.d.). Starbucks. Retrieved September 2nd, 2024, from
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