Recently, Elmwood Park High School changed their backpack policy. The school no longer allows backpacks to be carted around during the school day. Most students at EPHS complain about not being able to have their backpacks. While there are negatives to their newer rule, there are also several positives.
There are multiple benefits when it comes to having all of your school materials with you during the day. Students being able to carry a backpack to and from their classes would help them make it to the next class faster since they wouldn’t have to be making a stop at their lockers every other period for their items; instead, they could easily just walk to class without making any stops once entering the building and leaving their previous class. Most students recommend just keeping all of our materials on us that will be needed throughout the day, but there are times carrying around so many things can be uncomfortable or even impossible. A lot of students have classes that are far apart from each other; for example, period 2 could be in class 231 and period 3 in 103. This student wouldn’t have time to stop at their locker for their items for the next class if this was their situation. A result of having our backpacks on us would be more of us getting to class in a timely fashion.
There are many people who may agree with not wearing backpacks around school. In the article “Why are some schools banning backpacks?” it is mentioned that “For many years some schools have banned the use of backpacks due to health reasons. Many physicians and medical associations agree that carrying a heavy backpack can lead to problems, including muscle strain and poor posture.” This demonstrates how students carrying such heavy bags around all day long could end up injured.
Backpacks also seem to take up much more space in smaller classrooms and most teachers like to walk around the room while students are working. With there not being any other place for the backpacks to go, I assume the floor would get quite crowded. For example, the English rooms at EPHS don’t have a lot of space to begin with. Now imagine the floor covered with book bags. There would be no space for teachers to walk around and help. Even while teaching, a lot of teachers like to walk up and down the rows as they’re reading or talking. As neat and organized as the rooms are, they’re not as spacious as you may think.
Then, of course, is the concern for our safety. Backpacks can conceal illegal and dangerous items.
In conclusion, there are multiple reasons as to why students should or shouldn’t be allowed to have their backpacks during school hours. After reflecting on this information, I personally think that we should be allowed backpacks because it will save us time and cut back on the amount of students being tardy. It is highly unlikely for the backpack rule to change at EPHS, though, so students should be coming to class prepared and if they need to stop at their locker, it should be fast and during passing periods.