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EPHS’ Cutest Couples

EPHS' Cutest Couples
This graph represents the percentages of the various grades that voted on the google form. In total, I recieved 197 votes from the entire school.

High school is where firsts happen for many students. Some of these firsts are: first crush, first love, first boyfriend/girlfriend, and first kiss. Since Valentine’s Day is the day of love and we see people celebrating with their significant other, I sent out a survey to Elmwood Park High School Students by grade to see who they thought is the cutest couple or friendship. Lets see the results below! DISCLAIMER: This is just for fun! Everyone included in this article agreed to be featured.


Couple Jeremiah and Jalia posing after the homecoming proposal.


Jeremiah Rodriguez & Jaila Camuy

Q: What’s your favorite thing about each other?

Jaila: “His humor and his smile.”

Jeremiah: “How she’s always there for me.”

Anniversary: June 15th

Plans for Valentine’s Day: Going out to eat at Chick-Fil-A and taking a trip to the aquarium.


Kassandra Maldonado & Isaiah Rivas

Isaiah and Kassandra after their homecoming proposal.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about each other?

Kassandra: “He’s funny.”


Isaiah: “Her smile.”

Anniversary: October 2022 (Almost 2 years)

Plans for Valentine’s Day: Just hanging out.





Nikolija and Matthew posing for a photo at a party


Nikolija Bulatovic & Matthew Fritz

Q: What’s your favorite thing about each other?

Nikolija: “How patient, understanding, and loving he is. He always puts me first no matter what and is always there for me.

Matthew: “Her personality, especially how kind she is to me. Another thing is how thoughtful she is”

Anniversary: February 25th, 2023 (Almost 1 year)

Plans for Valentine’s Day: Going out to eat, exchanging gifts, and spend quality time together.



Shawn Hanton & Michael Aiello

Mikey and Shawn posing for a photo with their wrestling medals from Harvard High School. (Liliana Corbett)

Q: What’s your favorite thing about each other?

Mikey: “Our shenanigans together.”

Shawn: “When we hang out or play video games.”

Friend-aversary: March 23rd, 2023

Plans for Valentine’s Day: Go to McDonald’s.









Klaudia Kojkol & Jacob Zaluska

Klaudia and Jacob posing for a photo before the homecoming dance. (Natalia Ciura)

Q: What’s your favorite thing about each other?

Klaudia: “His personality – he’s super caring and always there to support me. I can count on him and he’s always trying to make me happy.”

Jacob: “Her personality.”

Anniversary: February 5th, 2023   (1 year)

Plans for Valentine’s Day: Making matching Build-A-Bears.


Samantha Rodriguez & Darey Baca Correa

Darey and Samantha posing for a photo in Darey’s car.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about each other?

Samantha: “He always looks out for me, prioritzes me, and is the funniest person I know (but not funnier than me).”

Darey: “The way she treats me and makes me feel”

Anniversary: February 4th, 2024

Plans for Valentine’s Day: It’s a surprise!



Mixed Grades


Charlie and Michael posing for a picture from prom last year.

Michael Rominski & Charlie Butler

Q: What’s your favorite thing about each other?

Charlie (Junior): “It’s hard to pick, but his caring nature and how much he actually believes in me, even if I’m completely down and defeated. He lifts me up and tells me why I’m capable. Also he’s cute :D”

Michael (Senior): “Their smile and creativity.”

Anniversary: December 16th, 2022 (1 year)

Plans for Valentine’s Day: So far, undecided.




  • Michael Aiello. Personal Interview. (February 5th, 2024).
  • Darey Baca Correa. Personal Interview. (February 8th, 2024).
  • Nikolija Bulatovic. Personal Interview. (January 31st, 2024).
  • Charlie Butler. Personal Interview. (February 5th, 2024).
  • Matthew Fritz. Personal Interview. (February 8th, 2024).
  • Shawn Hanton. Personal Interview. (February 5th, 2024).
  • Klaudia Kojkol. Personal Interview. (February 1st, 2024)
  • Kassandra Maldonado. Personal Interview. (February 7th, 2024).
  • Isaiah Rivas. Personal Interview. (February 7th, 2024).
  • Jeremiah Rodriguez. Personal Interview. (February 8th, 2024).
  • Samantha Rodriguez. Personal Interview.  (February 7th, 2024).
  • Michael Rominski. Personal Interview. (February 1st, 2024).
  • Jacob Zaluksa. Personal Interview. (February 1st, 2024)
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